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Mr. Huther visited to discuss next year's strategy, plans at Carmel, how NYAN fits in
and can assist. Several plans came as well (thanks!) and every asked very good questions.
In short, things he mentioned:
- They are dedicating "2 conjoined classrooms" to robotics, fully equipped
and dedicated to robotics
- There will be a new head coach overseeing both teams
- Both teams will be co-resident, although it was discussed that some privacy is needed
- There will be a Varsity team and a JV
- Coach Brian will get to assist and look over architectural plans for the space
and head coach vetting, and other planning
- They will have job position posted by early april and position filled by early may
- There would be off-hours access if they can get the coach or a parent to attend
- Ms. Major would not be involved
The team then strategized afterward on what it all meant.