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League Play 1

League Play 1

NYAN 2018-2019 Season

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Tommy 3 2
Debbie 9 1
Brian 10 9
Andrew 1 1
Katie 6 3
Allen 2
Kevin 1 1
Danny 2
Owen 1
Szymon 2 1
44 comments (27% of pics)
Tommy 7
Andrew 8
Brian 13
Zach m 2
Debbie 5
Szymon 1
Katie 2
Danny 2
Allen 2
Kevin 1
Terri 1
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The invite to this event

Team did an outstanding job, despite having a few random connection issues.

It took 3 hours from when we got there
until the 1st match. The venue struggled with many things:
- The Lander was built incorrectly. NYAN helped determine and correct this (thanks Ricky!)
- the scoring app wasn't working for them and they struggled with getting ability to score
(they ended up just using a Google Drive spreadsheet)
- they did not have enough robot inspectors (of which Debbie was a sanctioned inspector). Brian stepped in, and inspected 1/2 of the robots.

NYAN finished in 1st place and won all 5 of its matches

Match 1: 139 (to 20)
Match 2: 184 (to to76)
Match 3: 225 (to 96)
Match 4: 143 (to 96)
Match 5: 99 (to 72)

So, as a result, NYAN is so far:
- undefeated
- 1st in our division (13 teams)
- 1st in our league (25 teams)
- 1st in the state (188 teams)
- Our match 3 score is currently the highest score in the state!

(this will all be updated once all the match results come in)

6y Katie go team Nyan!
6y Kevin Great job team. Proud of all of you!
6y Danny You guys did great, keep up the good work!
6y Tommy Proud of everyone's hard work and dedication the past few weeks, it really showed at this competition
6y Allen especially programming team
6y Andrew go marketing
6y Terri especially marketing team!



From Above



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