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League Play 2

League Play 2

NYAN 2018-2019 Season

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NYAN finished in 1st place and won all 5 of its matches

NYAN is the only undefeated team in our division or and in our league

NYAN did not score near its potential (we had been scoring high for weeks), due to a fluke (and too much optimism long ago!).
Team did a good job in the face of some adversity. What happened was this...
Root cause of day's adversity: since the first match took sooo long to get started, our lift motor slowly fried itself while we hung there waiting.
It cost us from getting 302 on that first match.
- So then we changed it, then thought we were good. Wrong. Next match, the robot didn't unhang properly. Motor unwound to slow.
- we "found" that the motor was loose. Tightened it. Thought we were good. Wrong. Motor unwound too slow.
- we started modifying code to unwind motor faster. Helped but didn't correct it.
- we realized the motor itself was behaving differently than the previous motor, in strength/speed
- we had to abandon the unhang and hang for the rest of matches (very costly)
- we "learned" that what we discussed fixing in the lab months ago, and also before and after last league play,
that running the motor to hang while waiting to start is a bad idea (i.e. real root cause).
(Actually, we also learned that 2 days before when our motor fried from hanging too long)
- we went back to the lab and replaced it with a worm-gear drive (fixed!).

The Beach Park team we have been helping finished 6th, a decent finish.
They were very appreciative, and happy. We will meet with them again soon.

Match 1: 252 (to 128) ... wow!
Match 2: 129 (to55)
Match 3*: 166 (to 140)
Match 4: 70 (to 65) ... yikes!
Match 5: 162 (to 100)
Match 6: 171 (to 115)
(* match 3 was a surrogate)

So, as a result, NYAN is so far:
- undefeated
- 1st in our division (13 teams)
- 1st in our league (25 teams)
- 1st in the state (188 teams)
- Our match 1 score is currently the 2nd highest score in the state!

Although league rankings and state rankings will mean more next weekend when the rest of the teams play.
However, our #1 in the league is unblockable since we are the only undefeated team. We might get bumped from state #1 though.

6y Brian Our pit was in the hallway. Kind of crowded, but ok
6y Kevin Great job team! Its quite impressive you are able to sweep at meets with major issues. Keep up the good work!
6y Tommy Overall we had big issues with our hang motor and that caused other problems with autonomous, but we still did great overall!
6y Andrew go marketing



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