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League Play 3

League Play 3

NYAN 2018-2019 Season

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NYAN finished in 1st place and won all 5 of its matches

NYAN is the only undefeated team in our division or and in our league

Everything went well today. All scores over 250.

Thank you to Dr. Bonham who showed, and to all the parents, and Jeff and Kevin Coda.
And to Zach, Danny, and Kevin, who all volunteered (and Brian doing robot inspections).

Match 1: 295 (to 81)... wow!
Match 2: 289 (to131)... wow!
Match 3: 265 (to 134)... wow!
Match 4: 260 (to 119)... wow!
Match 5: 288 (to 111)... wow!

So, as a result, NYAN is so far:
- undefeated
- 1st in our division (13 teams)
- 3rd in our league (25 teams)
- 6th in the state (193 teams)

Now that 1st 3 tournaments completed...
we now got bumped down from 1st in league and state since they dropped 5 (i.e. 1/3 of) lowest scores.
for each team. Even though we were undefeated, now
a whole bunch of teams look undefeated too (!?), and since the way they do ranking uses
the "loser" scores (!), teams that went against tougher teams will score higher (yikes!).
So... even though we score higher than other teams, and we haven't yet lost, other lower scoring
and more losing teams are ahead of us (makes sense, right !?!).

(this is largely due to the fact that our league is weak, combined with this "normalizing" system just described)

6y Brian Match 3 had a weird ending. You can see in the last 10 seconds that we hung, they even announced it, and then the buzzer. This hang was not scored... 2 refs said 'you didn't do it in time'. Clearly wrong. And cost us 50 points. We would have had 315. Ricky tried covering this with the head ref, but he said something along the lines of 'well... 2 refs said it wasn't in time'.
6y Brian Drive team did great. All high scores.



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